Pursuant to Sections 216.4, 606, and 692 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26, as amended, the Council of the Summer Village of Silver Beach hereby gives notice of its intention to consider Bylaw No. 2025-01, a bylaw to amend the Silver Beach Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw No. 11-2020).
The purpose of the Bylaw is to amend the Summer Village’s Municipal Development Plan to establish a goal and policies to guide future land use and development in an area of land (the ‘subject area’) that was annexed from the County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 to the Summer Village of Silver Beach (Annexation Order 194/2024).
Proposed changes to the Summer Village’s Municipal Development Plan include:
A conservation goal statement that identifies that the shoreline of the subject area will be conserved or developed in a manner that supports environmental conservation;
Identifying the subject area as a “Direct Control Area” on Map 9.2 – Future Land Use, and creating a goal, objective, and policies for this proposed new future land use category;
Limiting subdivision within the subject area to ensure the responsible conservation of environmentally significant lands; and
Updating maps to reflect the Summer Village’s current boundaries.
Section 216.4 The Municipal Government Act requires that a public hearing on a proposed bylaw must be held before the second reading of the bylaw. First reading of Bylaw No. 2025-01 occurred on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the Municipal Government Act a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaw will be held as follows:
AND FURTHUR TAKE NOTICE THAT anyone wishing to make a verbal and/or written presentation may do so at the public hearing. All persons wishing to make an oral presentation at the hearing will be provided the opportunity to do so.
It would be beneficial for individuals to provide advance notice to June Boyda, CAO for the Summer Village of Silver Beach of their intention to make a presentation at the hearing and to provide any written submissions in advance before Thursday, April 10, 2025.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT a copy of the proposed bylaw will be available online at: www.silverbeach.ca.
To obtain more information regarding the proposed Bylaw, please contact:
June Boyda, CAO Summer Village of Silver Beach Email: cao@silverbeach.ca Phone: (780) 389-4409
Pursuant to Sections 216.4, 606, and 692 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26, as amended, the Council of the Summer Village of Silver Beach hereby gives notice of its intention to consider Bylaw No. 2025-02, a bylaw to amend the Silver Beach Land Use Bylaw (Bylaw No. 208/2010).
The purpose of the Bylaw is to amend the Summer Village’s Land Use Bylaw to establish a Direct Control District that will apply to an area of land (the ‘subject area’) that was annexed from the County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 to the Summer Village of Silver Beach (Annexation Order 194/2024).
Proposed changes to the Summer Village’s Land Use Bylaw include:
Establish a Direct Control District (DC – Direct Control District) that will apply to lands that were annexed to the Summer Village of Silver Beach through Annexation order 194/2024), with Council acting as Development Authority as provided for in the Municipal Government Act (as shown in Schedule A);
Establish regulations for the development of lands within the DC - Direct Control District that will enable the conservation of environmentally significant lands for environmental stewardship and low-impact recreational purposes.
Update the methods by which the Summer Village may issue a notice of development permit to adjacent landowners, to be consistent with the Summer Village’s current notification policies and practices;
Update the timeline that identifies when a development permit comes into effect to be consistent with applicable provisions in the Municipal Government Act.
Section 216.4 The Municipal Government Act requires that a public hearing on a proposed bylaw must be held before the second reading of the bylaw. First reading of Bylaw No. 2025-02 occurred on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to the Municipal Government Act a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaw will be held as follows:
AND FURTHUR TAKE NOTICE THAT anyone wishing to make a verbal and/or written presentation may do so at the public hearing. All persons wishing to make an oral presentation at the hearing will be provided the opportunity to do so.
It would be beneficial for individuals to provide advance notice to June Boyda, CAO for the Summer Village of Silver Beach of their intention to make a presentation at the hearing and to provide any written submissions in advance before Thursday, April 10, 2025.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT a copy of the proposed bylaw will be available online at: www.silverbeach.ca.
To obtain more information regarding the proposed Bylaw, please contact:
June Boyda, CAO Summer Village of Silver Beach Email: cao@silverbeach.ca Phone: (780) 389-4409